Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh the sick irony of it all!

First of all, if you have found my little blog I want to say welcome, and thanks for taking a second to read what I have to say. I think it is pretty important, and I know people have lives so I appreciate you taking time to check out my blog.

The second thing, if you have found my little political blog, and you are opposed to health care, please read and sign this online petition. Your signature will also send an e-mail to President Obama, your state senators, and your representative.

Now on to the meat and potato part of my post.

President Obama, it has been reported, came out on Thursday, January 07, 2009 and took responsibility, at least in part for the attempted "underwear bomb" terrorist attack. "President Barack Obama on Thursday accepted responsibility for intelligence shortcomings that led to a failed Christmas Day bombing plot on a Detroit-bound airliner, saying, “Ultimately, the buck stops with me." ( And this a day after I wrote a blog on this very thing! President Obama also goes on to discuss how the government had all the information they needed to stop this attempt, but failed to share and use it correctly. Of course, President Obama did finish his trip to Hawaii before making serious comment, or demanding an investigation. probably for the best though because the National Counter Terrorism Director Michael Leiter took off for a ski trip the day after the plot, Leon Panetta who is the director of the CIA, was in Monterey, California and reportedly didn't return to CIA headquarters until the weekend after the first, and then Stephen Kappes who is the CIA deputy director, reportedly didn't see any need to return to the CIA headquarters from a vacation amidst the major intelligence community failure instead, it is reported that he returned to Washington, D.C. on Dec. 30 after a bombing that killed seven CIA officers (

This is why our national security is at such risk! We have a terrorist attack happen, and the President of the United States stays on vacation, and doesn't have any serious press conference until about a week and a half has passed. Not that it really matters, because had President Obama came back who would he have met with? Key players from the CIA and NCTC determined it was vacation time and they were out! Of course one could argue that President Obama could have met with Janet Napolitano, which probably would have been a good thing because if she is meeting with the President she isn't on Sunday talk shows saying the system worked! And President Obama showed how serious he was about cracking down on a failed system by reportedly saying that he had no plans to fire anyone who was involved with the missteps that led up to the attempt ( Good to know that he is serious about getting to the bottom of the issues!

The truly sad thing is not what the Obama administration is doing, or not doing in this case, it is the message they are sending to our enemies who are at war with us. If our media knows that key officials vital to national security didn't feel the need to fix the system immediately, then I GUARANTEE that Al Qaeda also knows this, and the Obama administration once again makes the country look indecisive and weak.

If I fail to perfrom at my job how long do you think I would last. If I am late every day, if I don't do my job correctly. There are so many little things that can cost me my job. Yet Michael Leiter, Leon Panetta, tephen Kappes, and Janet Napolitano all failed to do their job, and what makes the situation even worse is the fact that after they had failed to do their jobs they decided a vacation was in order! These are horrifically shameful actions! Of course we did forget to mention that President Obama didn't make any haste back to Washington DC, and is now making statements that indicate he is not going to be firing the very people who were asleep at the wheel and failed to do their job, which simply put is to stop what happened from ever happening! One would think that one 9/11 would be enough, but it appears that the Obama administration, and many politicians in DC have hit the snooze bar yet again.

The craziest part of this? Well I have no formal training, and have not yet graduated from college, but I can tell you that if I were appointed to Homeland Security I could fix this issue. Want to know how?
1- I would call in the heads of the CIA, the FBI, the NCTC, the State Department, and military intelligence. Once we are all together I would tell them that from now on whatever they know we all know. If one of them has ANY info on a suspected terrorist and they don't share it they will be fired immediately, and may be brought up on charges of treason for refusing to assist in stopping a terrorist plot.
2- I would ask the CIA, NCTC, FBI, State Department, and military intelligence to get each ones lists of any suspected terrorists and combine them all. This list would be rated from Extremely High to Minimal on a threat level, and all government agencies that have any form of interest in counter terrorism would get that list. Anyone on that list who applies for a visa into the United States automatically raises a red flag. If you are below moderate you have to answer a series of questions and have to be on a set waiting list before approval. If you are in the top 3/4 of the list your visa is denied, end of story. And that is denied forever, not just for a few years. If you are not be a U.S. citizen, and you are anywhere moderate on our list your visa is denied for life, no exceptions.
3- Each organization would provide one representative who would be in constant contact with the Department of Homeland Security and once a week we would all meet and go over any changes, additions, increased threats, or whatever needed to be updated and addressed. If something big came up, we would call and emergency meeting and discuss what changes had happened. Likewise, after our weekly meeting I would report back to the President on what had changed, and the President as well as all of the top cabinet members would have the list.

I find it very upsetting that a guy like me can formulate a better plan for handling this issue than the people we have elected. Sad indeed. And what is even sadder is the fact that I realize we are involved in a war on terror, and that puts me a head of all the people in Washington who think otherwise.

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